52 research outputs found

    Improving the seaport service quality by implementing digital technologies

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    The process of digitalization i.e. implementation of digital technologies is widely present in the seaports. Digitalization encourages seaports to adjust and implement digital technologies in providing their services, while constantly striving to stay efficient, profitable and competitive. The implementation of digital technologies results in altered perspective of seaport service quality. Since seaport service quality is not prescribed and strictly defined, the importance of digitalization should be taken into consideration, which includes redefining the seaport service quality factors. Worldsā€™ leading seaports, especially leading European seaports, recognized the possibilities of digital technologies in providing quality seaport services and are investing in their implementation. In this paper, seaport service quality is analysed in the context of digitalization i.e. the implementation of digital technologies. The purpose of this paper is to define the quality factors and opportunities for improving seaport service quality based on the analysis of digital technologies implemented in seaports


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    The subject of this paper is to determine the fundamental factors of the quality of maritime transport services and analyse them, all with the aim of meeting the requirements of service users. These factors determine the quality of desired service results and must be in accordance with the policy of quality that is set at the level of a maritime organization, region or maritime countries in general. Contemporary economic turmoil, the process of globalization, the instability of the world market and the continued pressure of competition lead to strict requirements in terms of quality of services and the creation of the concept of a systematic and managerial approach within the system of maritime transport. The contribution of this work is reflected in the implementation of a systematic approach as the key condition for research and analysis of the factors of quality of maritime transport services in the complex and dynamic system of maritime transport, whose main purpose is to meet the needs and the demands of service users and all participants in the maritime business.Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je utvrđivanje temeljnih činitelja kvalitete pomorsko-prijevozne usluge te analiza istih u cilju ispunjenja zahtjeva korisnika usluga. Činitelji kvalitete određuju željene rezultate usluga i moraju biti u skladu s politikom kvalitete koja je postavljena na razini jedne pomorske organizacije, regije ili pomorske zemlje općenito. Suvremena ekonomska previranja u gospodarstvu, proces globalizacije, nestabilnost svjetskog tržiÅ”ta te kontinuirani pritisak konkurencije, uvjetuju visoke zahtjeve u pogledu kvalitete usluga i kreiranje sustavnog i upravljačkog koncepta unutar sustava pomorskog prijevoza. Doprinos ovog rada se očituje u implementaciji sustavnog pristupa kao ključnog uvjeta za istraživanje i analizu činitelja kvalitete pomorsko-prijevozne usluge u kompleksnom i dinamičkom sustavu pomorskog prijevoza, čija je osnovna svrha zadovoljenje zahtjeva i potreba korisnika usluga


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    Owing to the European Union open borders, free movement of goods, services, people and capital has been enabled and the need for a fast, efficient and comfortable transport, with as low transport and external costs as possible, has necessarily increased. External costs, as transport-generated public costs, represent great threat to the environment and increasing attention has been engaged in fighting the negative impact of transport upon environment. According to the EU statistical forecasts, significant increase in transport activities may be expected within 2050, hence the adoption of the European Union Sustainable Development Strategy and a collection of Directives dealing with environmental protection from different means of transport within different traffic categories. Through various Action Programmes comprising a series of measures, the European Union Sustainable Development Strategy aims at decreasing external costs, protecting the environment and increasing traffic safety. In this accordance, the paper deals with the analysis of external costs within each particular traffic category, taking into consideration the air, water and soil pollution, noise, vibrations and the impact of certain traffic categories upon landscape and animal and plant diversity. Using the comparative analysis of external costs within different traffic categories, the research is aimed at highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of exploitation of different means of transport. The examined external cost indicators point to the complexity of examined issues and they should be systematically used for the purpose of development and continuous traffic redirection to more acceptable traffic categories in terms of environment protection, energy efficiency and safety enhancement. economy; energy efficiency; environmental protection; external costs; safet


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    The subject of this paper is to determine the fundamental factors of the quality of maritime transport services and analyse them, all with the aim of meeting the requirements of service users. These factors determine the quality of desired service results and must be in accordance with the policy of quality that is set at the level of a maritime organization, region or maritime countries in general. Contemporary economic turmoil, the process of globalization, the instability of the world market and the continued pressure of competition lead to strict requirements in terms of quality of services and the creation of the concept of a systematic and managerial approach within the system of maritime transport. The contribution of this work is reflected in the implementation of a systematic approach as the key condition for research and analysis of the factors of quality of maritime transport services in the complex and dynamic system of maritime transport, whose main purpose is to meet the needs and the demands of service users and all participants in the maritime business.Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je utvrđivanje temeljnih činitelja kvalitete pomorsko-prijevozne usluge te analiza istih u cilju ispunjenja zahtjeva korisnika usluga. Činitelji kvalitete određuju željene rezultate usluga i moraju biti u skladu s politikom kvalitete koja je postavljena na razini jedne pomorske organizacije, regije ili pomorske zemlje općenito. Suvremena ekonomska previranja u gospodarstvu, proces globalizacije, nestabilnost svjetskog tržiÅ”ta te kontinuirani pritisak konkurencije, uvjetuju visoke zahtjeve u pogledu kvalitete usluga i kreiranje sustavnog i upravljačkog koncepta unutar sustava pomorskog prijevoza. Doprinos ovog rada se očituje u implementaciji sustavnog pristupa kao ključnog uvjeta za istraživanje i analizu činitelja kvalitete pomorsko-prijevozne usluge u kompleksnom i dinamičkom sustavu pomorskog prijevoza, čija je osnovna svrha zadovoljenje zahtjeva i potreba korisnika usluga

    External costs as competitive factor for affirmation of the Rijeka ā€“ Pivka railway route in the Baltic ā€“ Adriatic Corridor

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    In accordance with the European Union transport policy, external costs have become a new and important factor in cargo flows formation. Shifting the freight from road to railway in order to decrease the external costs is one of the consequences of implementing such a policy. By incorporating the Port of Rijeka into the Adriatic Baltic Transport Corridor, the railway section of the Rijeka-Pivka corridor has gained first-rate significance. Considering external costs, shifting a part of cargo from the corridor section Koper-Divača onto the Rijeka-Pivka section, and modernization the railway of the latter one, has become the common interest of Slovenia and the Republic of Croatia. The increase of cargo flows intensity on this railway route, based on the principles of green logistics, would inevitably lead to the same effects at the Koper-Pivka railway route. Such development would not jeopardize the competitiveness of the Port of Koper, on the contrary, the cargo flows through Slovenia would increase in a short-term period. This approach means a practical realization of the interests for the EU members countries on the Baltic-Adriatic corridor and efforts of the European transport policy, which takes into account the external costs as an innovative approach to the creation of the ā€œgreen corridorsā€

    Higher Education Quality Assurance in the Republic of Croatia

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    Reforma sustava visokog obrazovanja potaknuta je potrebom stvaranja jedinstvenog europskog prostora visokog obrazovanja s ciljem razvoja nove dimenzije europskoga druÅ”tva i Europe znanja. Kao dio reforme, poduzete su mjere i uvedeni mehanizmi za osiguravanje i unapređenje kvalitete visokog obrazovanja. Temelj za uspostavu i provođenje osiguravanja kvalitete u Republici Hrvatskoj je Bolonjska deklaracija, a temeljni dokument u tom kontekstu Standardi i smjernice za osiguravanje kvalitete u Europskom prostoru visokog obrazovanja. Svrha je ovog rada ukazati na važnost Bolonjskog procesa u funkciji osiguravanja kvalitete visokog obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj, kao temeljne misije u izgradnji druÅ”tva znanja i gospodarstva u cjelini. U skladu s navedenim, cilj ovog rada je prikazati napredak u provedbi Bolonjskog procesa kroz promicanje mobilnosti studenata i nastavnika, uspostavu sustava praćenja kvalitete te promicanje europske suradnje.Reform of the higher education system has been induced by the requisite creation of a unique European area of higher education, aimed at the development of a new dimension of the European society and knowledge. As a part of the reform, adequate measures were undertaken and new quality assurance and development mechanisms were implemented. The basis for consolidation and implementation of quality assurance in the Republic of Croatia is the Bologna Declaration, with Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area being the fundamental document concerning quality assurance within the context. The objective of this work is to show the importance of the Bologna process in the function of higher education quality assurance in the Republic of Croatia as the fundamental mission in the development of knowledge society and economy as a whole. In this accordance, the aim of this work is to show the progress followed in the implementation of the Bologna process through promoting studentsā€™ and educatorsā€™ mobility, setting up the quality monitoring system and pursuing European cooperation
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